

Experience in the Conference (ICEIV2018)

  The International Conference on Electric and Intelligent Vehicles (shorted as ICEIV2018) provided an excellent forum for scientists, researchers, engineers and government officials all over the world to present and discuss the latest key EV technologies and development trends. The schedule of the conference is as follows:

  Nov 21: Registration

  Nov 22: Conference Opening and Parallel Session

  Nov 23: Parallel Session and Conference Closing

  Nov 24 - 25: Study Visit (Optional)

  We attended this conference in Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia during Nov 21th~25th, 2018.

  1) Participated in “Workshop on Emerging electrical machines and power electronics in Electric Vehicles”. This workshop pay attention to the research of Emerging electrical machines and power electronics. Prof. Changjun Xie discussed closely with Prof. Xiaofeng Ding, Prof. Xi Zhang, Prof. Chengming Zhang, Prof. Xiaofeng Ding, Prof. Xi Zhang, Prof. Simin Peng and Prof. Hui Zhang.

  2) Did an oral presentation of our proposed paper “FSSPD: Fast Single Stage Pedestrian Detector for Autonomous Driving”. For low accuracy of the anchor-based pedestrian detectors in the case of small and high-density pedestrian, a Fast Single Stage Pedestrian Detector (FSSPD) is presented. On the test set of KITTI dataset, our approach get a comparative result compared to previous methods at the speed of 14.3fps in near real time. This indicates that FSSDP is suitable for pedestrian detection as a lightweight framework with a good tradeoff between precision and speed.

  3) Prof. Changjun Xie hosted the session about “Energy optimization and management” as the session chair on 22th Nov. 2018.

  4) Attended the BANQUET in The Hotel Windsor. Here, we communicate with our colleagues and get acquainted with each other.

  In this conference, we met many professors and researchers from different universities and countries, gained the knowledge from them.
